A personal initiative to live more appreciatively

Thursday, June 28, 2012

#191: Post-Clean Up

The downside to the wonderfulness that is the promise of summer? Feeling like you have so much time that you do nothing with it. The craziness of the end of a school year, coupled with the invincibility of the start of summer, led me to let my house go. That's not to say I've been living in squalor, but I haven't been picking up after myself so much...or doing laundry...or dealing with the mail...you get the picture. I made a promise with myself that today would be the day that I would clean up, because it was just time to do so...a messy house creates "mental clutter" for me, and I hate that stress. Now MTV reairing old Laguna Beach episodes did not help my productivity, but eventually I motivated myself to excavate my beautiful house under my piles of stuff.

One way that I motivate myself to get started-- and maintain-- a clean up project is that I set a time limit. I started a load of laundry, and told myself I would clean up for an hour and a half. I tackled everything in sight...and once an hour had passed, I had most of it finished. But I maintained my commitment to the full hour and a half, and just kept plugging along.

I'm often energized once I am in the throws of a clean up; there's something that just feels so good about throwing stuff out, putting stuff away, organizing the chaos. But beyond that, I am thankful for the post-clean up state. It's nice to know my house is in good order, and I will wake up refreshed, able to enjoy Laguna Beach in a clutter free house.

Now if I could just keep it like this, for always, then that would be something to be thankful for...

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