A personal initiative to live more appreciatively

Saturday, October 13, 2012

#281: Patrick

Today was my nephew Patrick’s confirmation. When my dad asked him what name he had chosen as his confirmation name, he responded immediately, “Peter…but I really wanted Wolfgang.”

Patrick, since he was very little, has always been the nephew that cracks us up. He’s quick witted, unique and hilarious. My dad prides himself on his “Patrick stories”, as I think we all do. Unlike most kids his age Patrick carries himself with confidence and self assurance. He’s game to try almost anything, and does, which I think is helping him turn into a well-rounded young man. When he tries a new sport or hobby he throws himself into it 100%, a sign of his willingness to push himself and always give his best. Once he settles and focuses, he excels, and Patrick is bound to be extremely successful because of that.

I’m so thankful for Patrick. He’s a true Collins in every sense of that identity, but he’s uniquely himself all at the same time. I love my time spent with him, my stories about him, and the knowledge that I'll always get to be front row to his antics and adventures.

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